• Fine Tuning your robot

    Set how long blocks run for

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    Customizing your blocks

    We can adjust how long each block runs for by putting numbers into the white box on the block. The things we put into the white box are called parameters.


    Household objects use parameters. For instance: to use a microwave you enter a parameter called 'time'. Cookers use parameters called 'temperature'. Phone use a parameter called 'phone number'.


    What parameters would a TV use?

  • My Second program

    Give numbers to your program to controls turns and spins

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    Import template

    If you get a SNAP program off the web you can import it from the menu after you save the download on your desktop.


    You can download the program you need from this URL:


    (right click and save as)


    Then import the project into SNAP from the import menu under the 'paper' icon.

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    Test your bot

    Click on the green flag to run the program and check your bot is connected properly.


    What should happen?

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    Fine tuning our bot

    Change the number in the white box from '2' to '6'.


    Now what happens when you run the program?

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    Find the Arduino movement blocks

    Click on the orange 'variables' button and then scroll down.


    On newer versions of SNAP, the custom blocks are under 'Other'.


    Drag some of the movement blocks onto your palette.


    The Arduino movement blocks are not part of the standard SNAP install. They come in with the project you loaded: MySecondProgram.xml

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    Get control

    Click on the yellow 'control' button and then drag out a 'when clicked' start block onto your palette.

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    Make your robot dance

    Drag the custom Arduino movement blocks onto the palette and connect them to your stack of blocks.


    Fill in the white boxes on each block, telling the robot how long each step will be.


    Click to run your program!

  • Power programing

    Tasks you can now complete using blocks and parameters

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    Hello to the alien

    A very simple program

    Put a piece of masking tape on the floor about 1 meter in front of a can. Have your robot start at the tape, go up to the can, blink, then back up to the line again.

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    Round the moon

    Get safely back to Earth

    Use masking tape to lay out two squares on the floor, one about 50 centimetres, the other about 10 centimetres, about 1 meter apart. Starting in the big square, the robots have to go around the small square and end up back inside the big square. For extra credit, start on the moon, go around the Earth and land back on the moon.

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    Street races

    A three level challenge

    Use masking tape to lay out an S-shaped race track. Starting at one end, the robots have to cross the intermediate dotted line (1 point), then cross the finish line (2 points). To get three points the robot has to stop exactly on the finish line.

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    A timed challenge

    Layout several traffic cones in between a start and finish line.  Prize for the first robot around the cones and across the finish line. Then a contest for which robot can do the fastest run.

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    Practical note

    I hate scraping up masking tape!

    When you lay the masking tape your can fix it so the tape pulls up easily at the end of the lesson: just lay and lift the tape about three times when you first put the tape down.  The tape picks up enough dirt that it loses some of it's stickiness!

  • Contact Us!

    To get help building, programming or hosting a workshop:

  • About THE tKcBOT

    'Standing on the shoulders of giants.'


    Starting from the UNSW CS4HS bot, many people have given this project a inspirational push, encouraging feedback, opened doors of opportunity, or sustained the project through their enthusiastic participation. Thanks to Susan, BW, Phillip, Adele, Ruth, Stuart and many others.


    Thanks to the explosion of information available on the Internet it is possible to create a robot with amazing capabilities just by bringing together pieces of existing technology with very little original technology.  My role has been to marry the inspiration with the the technology available, and to use my experience as a teacher to construct the learning materials to help bring this amazing technology to children. Thanks also, to the helpful people (especially Leo) at Hobart Hackerspace, who have experience and expertise way beyond mine.